

God Gets There First—Detective Witnesses & Finding Open Doors

God gets there first. He’s at work before we ever arrive on the scene. And that makes us, Christian witnesses, detectives and investigators of sorts.

Time to Respond—Giving & Receiving Virtual Calls to Faith

Reflecting on how God worked through these calls to faith, Kristen said, “I’ve seen student leaders long for the kingdom during the coronavirus [pandemic] more than ever before.”

Living Out God’s Heart for Racial Justice

So how can we grow in living out God’s heart for racial justice? 

Reluctant Revival: Sarah's Story

It would take time and vulnerability, but God would use ñ to transform my narrative of guilt and loneliness into a story of radical grace and true connection.

Lost Sheep and Milk Tea: Joy's Story

“What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?" - Matthew 18:12

Two summers ago, I was a lost sheep.

Inside the Bubble: What Jesus Does with Your Limits

We are always, ever shaped by our experiences and environments. To be human is to be limited. Inescapably bubbled.

A $25,000 Matching Grant for Black Staff Flourishing

ñ alumni Eddie and Kristen Yoon will match $25,000 of gifts to a special fund for Black Staff Flourishing. These funds will help Black staff for whom raising funds for ministry is an extra challenge due to historic inequities. Below, Eddie and Kristen share their heart.

Day-by-day—A Season of Unknowns at NYU

In New York City, one of the US cities hardest hit by the pandemic, God has been clearly on the move.

Behold & Wonder: The Calling of a Christian Artist

You may feel like you’ve been given two choices: become a person who only creates “Christian art” or someone who yields to the world’s pressures to create “secular” art as a Christian. What’s a Christian to do?

New Season, New Approaches—Virtual Ministry during a Pandemic

Through these Bible studies, even in digital spaces, God began extraordinary works of revival. 

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