Stephan Teng

Stephan Teng serves as an ÂĚñŇůĆŢ Campus Staff Minister at Indiana University, where he currently staffs an Asian American chapter. He is a fourth-generation minister, alumnus of NYU, and is passionate about creativity and leadership. You can support his ministry at .

Content created by this author:

Stephan Teng

When Leaders Leave

Saying goodbye to leaders can be hard. Some of us will feel confused about what happens next while others may feel fearful of the shoes we’re stepping into. Thankfully, we aren’t the first to experience such transitions.
Stephan Teng

What If I'm Bad at Evangelism?

Perhaps you know God wants us to share his love with others, but you’re feeling like you’re just bad at it, that you’ll make a fool of yourself, that others won’t listen, they’ll walk away laughing, and that you’ll fail God. If that’s you, don’t worry. There’s hope.

Stephan Teng

3 Reasons Why I Love Being an ÂĚñŇůĆŢ Campus Minister

But if you’re someone who wants to see the difference God can make in you and the world, coming on staff with ÂĚñŇůĆŢ is a great place to start.

Stephan Teng

Wonder—Reshaping Our Expectations about Prayer

Ultimately, prayer is about more than just feeling good and having God solve our problems. As we rediscover the wonder and true nature of prayer, may it deepen our walk with Jesus!

Stephan Teng

Reimagining Perseverance in a Pandemic

Perseverance can feel like a dental visit; you don’t want it but know it’s good for you. And now, with the pandemic officially more than a year in, it feels like we’re being asked to endure still a little more.

Stephan Teng

A Snapshot of Running Large Groups Online

As campus was closing due to COVID, we felt an invitation to step into the unknown and experiment and learn, to be a community committed to each other even when separated.

Stephan Teng

Jesus as Prophet—Repentance & a New Reality

What roles does Jesus play in your life? In college, I would have said things like “Savior,” “Lord,” “Friend,” and “Redeemer” due to my church upbringing and perhaps whatever worship songs were sung that Sunday. Out of all the possibilities, however, I’m convinced that “Prophet” would have been on the bottom of my list. And I don’t think I’m alone in this either.

Stephan Teng

Behold & Wonder: The Calling of a Christian Artist

You may feel like you’ve been given two choices: become a person who only creates “Christian art” or someone who yields to the world’s pressures to create “secular” art as a Christian. What’s a Christian to do?

Stephan Teng

Socially Distant, Still Together—Finding Real Community

So what can our community look like in this new season? Scripture outlines key practices that communities of God can engage in, even in our new socially distanced world.

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