
Spiritual Formation

What Do We Do When We Don’t Belong?

It’s a strange thing. I’m sitting here with all these people. Some I’ve known for quite a while. It’s a beautiful day.

Transformation Through God - Amber's story

God’s Word transforms. You and I know this. And now Amber, a student at Santa Fe College, knows this too.

Coming into college, she carried deep pain. But God began showing Amber love and care through her school’s ñ chapter, and her anxiety began to ease. She committed to exploring faith and attending the Urbana Student Missions Conference.

Seeing God Move on Campus — Daniel, Veronica, and Jada's Story

Daniel's Story

Daniel, a freshman at SUNY-Purchase, met some ñ students at an outreach event on campus. They invited him to a pizza party that night. At the party Daniel told them, “I’m not a Christian, but I want to know more about how faith can be a part of my college life.” Later that evening, someone in the chapter shared the gospel with Daniel and he said ‘yes’ to following Jesus!

Living for Jesus — Campuses Renewed

When college students experience pivotal, transformative moments with God, he might not change what they do but always changes how they do it. For Joshua at UCLA, one simple question changed his perspective of his life on campus and future vocation. He realized that his purpose as a believer is to reflect the kingdom of God. Through your prayers and support, ñ equips students to be a formative presence in the world around them. They grow to display Jesus to everyone they meet in everything they do, joining in God’s mission to restore and renew brokenness on campus.

From New Life to More Life

Tyler, a freshman at Queens College in New York, expected college to be his fresh start, a way to escape his hometown, and a place to find himself.

Most students enter college with this same mindset, with a burning desire to discover who they are and what their life should look like. When you support ñ, you help students like Tyler find the deeper life in Jesus they’re truly longing for.

David and Goliath & the Trial That Wasn't Really a Trial

The testing and trials David went through when no one else was around were what shaped him the most.

Defense Against an Incomplete Gospel

We've bought into misguided cultural narratives about faith. Rather than being the light of the world, reflecting God's perfect radiance, our light is filtered through our cultural lenses.

Who's in Your Wallet?: Resisting Materialism

When we refuse to give in to the desire for money and possessions, we short circuit the systems of this world.

What I Learned From My Silent Solo Retreat

Last summer, I planned an overnight silent retreat. I didn’t talk to a soul for nearly 24 hours. Here’s what I learned and what I want to share with you.
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