White-knuckling It through 2020

As this year draws to a close, I realize I’ve too often been white-knuckling my way through it, just trying to hold on, keeping my grip for just a little longer. And that’s just not healthy.

Jesus as Prophet—Repentance & a New Reality

What roles does Jesus play in your life? In college, I would have said things like “Savior,” “Lord,” “Friend,” and “Redeemer” due to my church upbringing and perhaps whatever worship songs were sung that Sunday. Out of all the possibilities, however, I’m convinced that “Prophet” would have been on the bottom of my list. And I don’t think I’m alone in this either.

Post-Grad Reflections: An Identity beyond Labels & Routines

As I accepted my diploma, a chunk of my identity flaked off: “student.” I’d worked hard and anticipated the day when I wouldn’t have this label anymore. But as I entered the new year as a graduate, I felt untethered.

Feeling Disoriented? Let God Reorient You

God is our hope when we feel disoriented. He loves us and is faithful to show us his mercies each day.

A Prayer for Lingering in Racial Discomfort

This Welcoming Prayer has significantly helped me in processing strong emotions, and I’ve adapted it for this season. This type of prayer helps us to welcome the emotions and learn from them, to let go of the things that tempt us to leave too soon, and to open ourselves to God.

Feeling What Fills: The Ambience of Psalm 148

Knowing that we live in an ambient world is an invaluable posture for life with God when everything seems empty. It’s a life that the world of Psalm 148 pulls us into and invites our imaginations to absorb.

Thriving Chapter Planting & Partnerships in the Middle of a Pandemic

In the spring of 2018, Suburban Philadelphia Area Director Justin Tibbels agreed with regional leaders to expand his area’s reach to include northeastern Pennsylvania, largely in response to ÂĚñŇůĆŢ’s 2030 Calling to reach every corner of every campus.

Book Review: Sheila Wise Rowe’s Healing Racial Trauma

By sharing real-life stories of racial trauma, including her own, and how people overcame it, Rowe gives guidance to readers on how they, too, can find healing.

Thriving in the Matrix: A Call to Social Media Breaks

Sometimes it feels like we live in the Matrix. These days, what’s real or simulated blurs into confusion. We’re Zoom Zombies submerged in social media, navigating the news as we confront new constrictions.

The Ministry of Physical Presence

God had a clear plan for making us physical beings—there’s something more to gathering together than just breathing the same oxygen. 

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