
The Weary World Rejoices

Right now, we are corporately waiting. We’re waiting for this pandemic to be over. We’re also waiting to celebrate the birth of our Savior.

Epiphany Reflection — A God Who Wants to Be Found

That, I think, is why the Lord used a star to lead the Magi. It shows us a God that wants to be found.

Feeling What Fills: The Ambience of Psalm 148

Knowing that we live in an ambient world is an invaluable posture for life with God when everything seems empty. It’s a life that the world of Psalm 148 pulls us into and invites our imaginations to absorb.

Inside the Bubble: What Jesus Does with Your Limits

We are always, ever shaped by our experiences and environments. To be human is to be limited. Inescapably bubbled.

Sleepless—A Reflection on Pandemics & Psalm 22

After a decade of chronic illness, I’ve learned how my body and heart speak the same language. The pain in my head tells of the twist in my heart. I’m still sleepless—mind, body, and soul. I wonder if your new realities feel sleepless, too?

When Life Ghosts You

When part of our story ends abruptly, loss, grief, and confusion follow quickly after. Probably no one is feeling this more acutely right now than college students. What do you do when life ghosts you?

Thanking God for His Godness this Thanksgiving

When life is difficult or uncertain, we can always thank God for being steadfast, loving, and eternal. 

The Vault in Your Soul

"If you ever take a selfie next to Fort Knox, the fort is actually the second most heavily defended thing in the photo."

Jesus’ Most Counterintuitive Command

"God gives simple instructions, but they aren't always easy to live out."

4 Ways to Experience God in Transition

Life is full of transitions, both exciting and painful. But how do we go through tranistions and difficult seasons with God? How did Moses? 

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