

How to Start Reading the Bible

Perhaps you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to start reading your Bible or to read it more often. Great!

Bringing the First Fruits

I love the fall harvest season. The farmer’s market turns into a veritable cornucopia of fruits and vegetables, cheese, honey, baked goods, and homespun yarns. There’s a celebratory feeling in the air.

7 Ways to Grow Spiritually in College

I grew up in church, faithfully attended youth group, and was pretty serious about my faith throughout high school. So when I came to college, I knew I had a choice to make.

How to Plan a Retreat of Silence

One of my favorite things to do during the summer, besides lie by the pool, is to go on a Retreat of Silence (ROS).

Discovering a Life Worth Living

“If the Lord were to grant you the answer to one question, what would you ask?”  Paul Little offers this challenge in his article, “How Good is God’s Will?” in the June 1982 issue of ñ’s HIS magazine.  What he concludes is that such a question would probably express our need to receive God’s guidance. 

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