

The Benefits of Boredom

It's summertime. The weather is beautiful. Your high school and childhood friends are home from their respective schools. You hang out with your favorite brother or sister. You have that summer job. And most of all, you have no school work.

"Pimply Faced" World Changers

In 7thgrade, I was obsessed with Civil War history. During lunch I would sneak off to the library and read cheesy historical fiction about one of the bloodiest conflicts in American history. Some kids knew a lot about getting girlfriends; I knew a lot about Gettysburg.

Following Jesus Is Not a Spectator Sport

I love sports, especially basketball and tennis. Recently, Wimbledon and the NBA draft has whet my appetite for these sports and inspired me to pick up a ball again. Unfortunately, my enthusiasm as a spectator did not translate to skills on the court.

The Gospel According to Superheroes

I’m a pretty nerdy guy. I collected comic books in grade school. At age 13, I could answer any piece of Star Wars trivia you could come up with. Today, if you press me hard enough, I can name Star Trek episodes by their number. Yep… welcome to my world.

Thursalonians: A Life Pleasing to God

I don’t think I’m the only young Christian who can get bummed out by the word “sanctification.” Once I get over how smart I sound saying a word that could get me at least 22 points in Scrabble...

Hiding Your Faith at Home?

Remember looking forward to summer in high school? Waking up for the last day of school was kind of like that “Christmas-morning-can’t eat-can’t sleep-just want to get out of bed” feeling.

Thursalonians: Stop Trying to Fit the Mold

For most of my life, I have obsessed and worried over what people thought of me. I have so desperately wanted to fit this mold of society...

Merida: a Stubborn, Exceptional Princess

Okay, say what you want, but I love Disney movies. This love stems largely from my 90s childhood, when enchanted castles existed, genies lived in magic lamps, and lions were kings. I fully believe that despite the controversy and criticism, there is a legitimate reason why these animated films are so dearly loved.

Can You Really Be Greek and Christian?

Back when I was applying to college I was a naïve pastor’s kid who decided to forgo Christian colleges for a place where it would be something of a “challenge” to be a Christian. Instead, I’d head to the secularized and faithless University of Illinois.

Thursalonians: Made to be a Mirror

In 1 Thessalonians 1:4-10, we see the opportunity that we as humans have to reflect God’s image.

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