A Mid-Advent (and Onward!) Reading List

Advent is about longing. It’s a time to remember the Israelites’ years of waiting for the Messiah, and to focus on our own longing for a deeper sense of Emmanuel in our daily lives as well as for Jesus’ return.

If You Don’t Get an Angel: Luke 1 Perspectives

I moved to Madison, Wisconsin, from the western Chicago suburbs six weeks ago based on a strong sense of God’s leading. I didn’t get an angel or nine months of planning like Mary did—both of which would have been nice.

God Answers Prayer: Luke 1 Perspectives

Have you ever had God answer a prayer you prayed for a long time? Have you ever had God answer a prayer in a surprising way?

The Life of God on the Reservation

Would Jesus eat frybread? That was the question 150 Native American students and staff from around the country gathered to discuss November 9–11 in Window Rock, Arizona (the capital of the Navajo nation).

Loving Jesus and Students: Daniel Bourdanné at Urbana 12

Daniel Bourdanné’s life was profoundly impacted by the ministry of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) when he was a student in Chad, his home country.

Loss and Legacy

I lost both of my parents in September. I’m mourning deeply, of course, but I also find a deep gratitude welling up for the many gifts they gave me.

Christmas in Russia, Anyone?

Although I had a great college experience overall, I do have a few regrets. One is that I didn’t study abroad. (In my defense, I was supposed to spend a J-Term in Israel, but the trip got cancelled due to safety concerns. So I spent J-Term in . . .

Jesus Doesn't Want You to Be Afraid

Three weeks ago, I asked several hundred college students a question: What is your biggest obstacle today to giving your whole life for God’s global mission?

The Mystery of Nations

In 28 hours I can be in Thailand.  I just looked it up, thanks to the miracle of the Internet, although I use that term loosely (miracle, not Internet). Right this moment, I can book a flight from Chicago to Bangkok and be wheels-up to Thailand in six hours, carrying nothing with me except a messenger bag filled with beef jerky...

Good News of Real Christian Community

Living communally was embedded throughout my Chinese-Christian upbringing. I learned the importance of doing life together and sacrificing for one another in humility—no matter what.

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