
Students want to know their purpose

On Purpose was the theme of Greek Conference in Indianapolis last weekend. And when it came time for the Open Mic sharing at the end of the conference, it was clear from the frank student testimonies that attendees had indeed discovered new purpose in their lives.

  • A Purdue sophomore who had recently lost her father to suicide told of how guilt, sadness and despair had been replaced by joy and hope and confidence in God’s purpose for her life.
  • A University of Wisconsin junior shared her worry about jeopardizing friendships by witnessing to friends and how she realized that she can trust God with her relationships.
  • A Hillsdale College junior who had been filled with shame and guilt about events in her past received encouragement after bringing her brokenness to God.
  • A Purdue senior who had been struggling with faith for the past year said, “I feel God’s hand back on my shoulder.”

“None of us will discover our purpose because we’ve done the right things all of the time,” said conference speaker Alex Gee, pastor of Fountain of Life Church in Madison WI. “But we will discover God’s purpose for us by constantly saying Yes to the Lord, and having him bring us back when we get off-track.”

Alex said that God spoke to him about his purpose and calling when he was sitting in a college classroom. College-age young people are particularly receptive to learning about God’s purpose for their lives.

Seeking purpose is both a powerful and a humbling experience. “Purpose is powerful because it requires a partnership with the creator of the universe,” he said. “But it’s humbling in that we don’t get to pick the purpose.”

However, Christians shouldn’t expect that God’s purpose for their lives is going to be tedious or boring. “As we seek the Lord and his purpose, he’ll bring things into our heart that will facilitate his purpose,” he continued. “There’s no greater joy than to be able to walk in what he’s created you for.”

Greek Conference attendance at Indianapolis totaled 563. Eighty-four attendees found a new purpose at Greek Conference, as they committed their lives to Jesus Christ. More information on Greek Conference in Indianapolis as well as links to audio from Alex Gee’s talks and student testimonies is available on the webpage. will be held February 16-18, 2007. To follow along as it happens, check out the

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