2022-2023 Annual Report | ñ
2022-2023 Annual Report | ñ


Through your partnership with ñ’s ministry, thousands of students and faculty are becoming more like Jesus.


Through your partnership with ñ’s ministry, thousands of students and faculty are becoming more like Jesus.

2022-2023 Annual Report


Will you give so that students and faculty have the chance to become more like Jesus in the 2023 - 2024 year?

More Faith. More Hope. More Love.

Dear Friends, 

I love ministering to Gen Z students because of their unique spiritual hunger. In story after story from campus, students are eager to hear about Jesus and start following Jesus. When they meet him, they go all in, longing to turn authentic, transformative encounters into faithful, world-changing obedience. It is not enough for students to just know Jesus; they long to be more like him.

Through Bible study and prayer, outreach and leadership training, community and discipleship, God used ñ — and your partnership — to help students and faculty grow their faith and love for Jesus into a lifelong relationship with him.

Continue reading below for more on how God moved through ñ's work on campus in the 2022-2023 school year.

For God’s glory,
Tom Lin

Students Becoming More Like Jesus

Student leadership development has always been core to ñ’s ministry. As students become leaders on campus, they serve others, gain a heart for the lost, and share the gospel. They then train other leaders who lead more Bible studies, start more ministries, and become more like Jesus too. Student leaders become life-long disciples who carry God’s kingdom wherever they go.

“[ñ has] taken me from a young man who wanted to run from what God has called him to do to wholeheartedly trying to seek after the Kingdom.”


Florida State University

Tallahassee, FL

Meet More Students

Stories of Students Becoming More Like Jesus

“I never thought performing arts and Bible study could go together!” 


University of Colorado

Chloe joined her passion for performing arts and her faith by starting an ñ Bible study for arts students. 

“You get revival looking for Jesus.”


Jackson State University

At Jackson State University in Mississippi, student leaders prayed and experienced revival on campus, including over 40 students coming to faith!

“I’m so happy saying ‘yes’ to the Lord wherever life takes me.”


Florida State University

Kelsey’s first ‘yes’ grew into a life of using her gifts wherever God leads her, such as being a leader in her local church.  

Urbana 22

At ñ’s 26th Student Missions Conference, students gathered as we called them to “Rise Up” and participate in God’s redemptive, global mission.

Watch the recap

Raising Up Global Leaders

At Urbana 22, thousands of students gathered for a week of worship and revival, calling them to “Rise Up” and participate in God’s redemptive, global mission. 

ñ Press

IVP published thoughtful resources that grew readers’ love for Jesus, deepened their study of Scripture, and molded them into whole-life disciples.

See our top reads

Books for the Journey

Last year,  published 125 titles, shipped 1.9 million books, and received honors from Christianity Today, the Gospel Coalition, and more.

The Flourishing Pastor

Recovering the Lost Art of Shepherd Leadership

Beyond Racial Division

A Unifying Alternative to Colorblindness and Antiracism

Analog Christian

Cultivating Contentment, Resilience, and Wisdom in the Digital Age

Thank You for Your Partnership

Through your faithful generosity, ñ is helping students become more like Jesus. Will you give today to help develop even more student leaders in the 2023-2024 school year?

Scroll down to read more stories of God's work on campus last year.

More Welcoming

Gen Z is three times more likely than previous generations to express feelings of profound loneliness. But with your help, ñ chapters met Gen Z in their isolation this year, inviting them into 1,052 loving and welcoming communities.


“I wasn’t seeking God. He was seeking me,” said Kathy, a student at Hunter College.

As a freshman, Kathy was shy and dealing with a dark season of depression. But then, two friends invited her to ñ and she immediately felt drawn to the community. “Once I walked in, I felt like I was welcomed.” She felt comfortable and cared for by the friends she met and even opened up about her mental health.

When asked if she would be willing to help invite new students to ñ, Kathy said yes –– despite not yet being a Christian.

“I just want everyone to feel welcomed.”


Hunter College,

New York, NY

“I just want everyone to feel welcomed, which is the reason why I did [New Student Outreach] … When I first started, I wasn’t a Christian…I was nervous. I didn’t know what to say.”

Yet in just a few weeks, Kathy connected with over 2,000 students.

Kathy saw how her ñ friends, including those she invited into the community, were changing and healing. As she thought about her own faith, she realized she wanted to take the next step.

“I was like, ‘I think I’m ready –– I think I’m ready to accept Jesus!’” she said.

Now, Kathy eagerly continues inviting students into the community she loves and into relationship with Jesus. She saw how simple invitations can help people find a place of belonging and how that belonging can lead to being transformed by Jesus.+


More Formed by Scripture

According to the American Bible Society, Gen Z is the generation least familiar with the Bible. With your partnership, we are working to change that. You made it possible for students to gather in 2,431 small group Bible studies this year. They were able to ask difficult questions and respond to Jesus as they dug into his Word.

Bible Study Groups

After growing up in poverty, gang violence, and drug dealing, Silbano was ready for a reset. He gave his life to Jesus between rounds of incarceration, attracted to the idea of a Savior who died for him.

When he was released from prison, he began college at California State University, Bakersfield. As an older student who had been through much more than his classmates, Silbano searched for a place where he could belong and explore his new faith despite his background. More than anything, he wanted a way to make sense of the Bible, which he found overwhelming and confusing.

“ñ taught me everything I know.”


California State University

Bakersfield, CA

“This is how illiterate I was in the Bible: I didn’t even know there was an Old and New Testament,” Silbano said. “ñ taught me everything I know. Everything I was hungry for, ñ gave it to me.”

Through joining ñ and attending inductive Bible studies, Silbano learned to study Scripture and deepened his understanding of what it meant to follow Jesus. He began seeking to live a life like his.

Now an ñ campus minister, Silbano is uniquely positioned to help students explore Scripture and find purpose and hope in Christ just like he did.+

bible study groups

More Servant-Hearted

As students become more like Jesus, we see ripple effects from one student to the next and the next. Just as Jesus’ disciples made more disciples, so did the 844 student leaders who poured into younger or newer leaders this year.


When Lucas started college at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, he was taking “a break from Christian things.” He grew up in a ministry family who always hosted Bible studies and gatherings in their home. And while he still believed in God, Lucas was cynical, burnt out, and drained.

But when he met ñ students, something felt different. “One of the blessings was seeing people so passionate for God that are my age,” he said. Lucas was inspired by older ñ students who invested in him his freshman year. They were persistent and committed to ministering to the campus even through rebuilding the chapter and the challenges of COVID.

“You have to trust the promise God gave you when leading.”


University of


As a small group leader himself, Lucas’ faith was accelerated even more, both by those who led him and those he led. Seeing how transformative of a season this was for him, he gained a deep desire to develop other student leaders, hoping to “wash their feet the way Jesus did.”

Lucas saw God work through him as his ñ chapter grew and the new leaders he shepherded reached students on campus who were open and curious about Jesus. “You have to trust the promise that God gave you when leading. The path I took was exactly purposed by God for this very reason.”+

9% students who trained new leaders

Reaching More Campuses

We long to be a movement that becomes more like Jesus, proclaiming the good news on every corner of every campus. With ministry on 711 campuses, we continue pursuing our 2030 Calling to catalyze movements on all 2,500 campuses in the U.S.


Through our recent strategic plan, we worked to establish witnessing communities on traditionally overlooked campuses.


  • Community colleges
  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities
  • Tribal Colleges
  • Hispanic-Serving Institutions

Your gifts are making it possible for every student to have the opportunity to meet Jesus in college. Since 2018, we have made significant progress and surpassed our chapter planting goals among underserved geographies, underserved institutions, and faculty ministries.

Goal: 30 Campuses
33 reached 110%
Goal: 50 Campuses
69 reached 138%
Goal: 90 Chapters
96 reached 106%

At Wayne County Community College this year, for example, students wanted to start a chapter but needed a faculty advisor to be an official club. They met in the cafeteria to pray. “Lord,” they said, “please send us a faculty advisor.”

At that very moment, a faculty member walked by and overheard their prayer. “I just heard you praying for a faculty advisor,” she said. “I’ll volunteer!” As an adjunct faculty, this professor came to campus once a week for just half the day — which happened to be when these students met to pray! God truly provides in extraordinary ways.+


A Lifetime of Being “All In”

Like many ñ students, Len Andyshak met the Lord in college. “I learned what it meant to know him versus know about him,” Len said. He also learned that Jesus had a purpose for his life — a mission. And soon after graduating, Len began a 50-year journey of continually discovering that mission as an ñ staff.


Len’s staff career has taken him across the country and across the world, from Virginia to Tennessee to Oregon to Ukraine to Kansas. In each place, God used Len in extraordinary ways.

At the University of the South, by the time Len left, ten percent of the campus was involved in ñ. At the end of his time at Oregon State University, there were nearly a dozen active Bible studies.

God moved similarly when Len said yes to serving as ñ Link staff in Ukraine. The Ukrainian student movement, CCX, was brand-new when Len arrived. 30 years later, nearly 2,000 students are involved.

After two years of serving in Ukraine, Len returned to the U.S. to start an International Student Ministry at the University of Kansas where he served for 23 years with constant enthusiasm. “Every year, he said, “I met new students, and I was all in again.”

Len is humbled by how God continuously opened doors for him, allowing him to be part of his beautiful plan for the campus. “I’m really not an impressive person. I felt like I was in the center of a tornado, and everything was spinning around me,” he said. “But it was the Holy Spirit doing things. And I got to be there.”

“It was the Holy Spirit doing things. And I got to be there.”

Len Andyshak

ñ Staff

Now, as he looks back on his life’s work of serving students and faculty, Len has no regrets. “It’s really worth following Jesus your whole life,” he said. “If I found out I was going to die next week, I’d go, Wow, what a great life I’ve had, rather than being worried about leaving or having regrets for what never happened. I’m amazed God has loved me this long, with this deep sense of purpose and joy.”

Len’s story of faithfulness could not have happened without your help. Your partnership helps all our staff, from brand-new leaders to 50-year veterans, get to campus, stay on campus, and help students and faculty become more like Jesus. +