
Alec Hill, President of ñ

Ready and Equipped to Share the Gospel

My favorite annual ñ event is Orientation of New Staff. For nine days in late June, we host new campus staff in Madison. This year, 128 eager and committed newcomers were welcomed into our community.  

Over the past five years, 644 men and women—a simply remarkable number—have joined staff. During that period, the total of overall staff has grown from about 1200 to more than 1600.

And there’s more good news. The number of new believers has increased 57% since 2009 and, for the first time in our history, more than 40,000 “core” students and faculty are involved in our chapters. “Core” is defined as 50%+ participation. Easily three times that number—or 120,000—are being significantly impacted.

We give thanks to the Lord of the harvest for this remarkable season of growth. To him be all glory and thanks. In a time when naysayers bemoan the fate of Millennials, we see a generation that is spiritually hungry and actively seeking to change the world. 

We recall the words of Psalm 147:1-3: Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him! The Lord builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the exiles of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Enjoy these photos from the ONS class of 2014.


Thelen family   Kim & Joi
With Alex & Melissa Thelen of Michigan State
and their four boys. Amazing that this photo

  Kim Chin (Central Rockies) and Joi Dandridge (Colorado State) at my desk. Notice the photo of Mary and me that they strategically located in the background.
New England staff   signed pact
New England staff: isn’t this a great group?
  Every year, new staff sign our Purpose Statement.
Hamming it up   tornado warning
Hamming it up with Jeremy Ogunba (U of
Massachusetts at Dartmouth).
  Tornado threat—welcome to the Midwest.

happy group   Ben at the desk
A happy small group: Kelsey Smith (Hancock College CA), Sean Kaiser (Wisconsin), Ashley Moore (U of Washington), Kayla Sundin (Oregon), Leya Copper (Minnesota), Jeremy Ogunba (Massachusetts), Cierra Wilson (Blue Ridge), and Brent Campbell (Eastern Virginia).   Ben Coopland (Lakes and Plains Region) sitting at my desk. Someone always wants my job.



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