
Alec Hill, President of ñ

Largest Staff Class Ever

Every June, it is my great privilege to welcome new ñ staff for ten days in Madison. Over the twelve years of my presidency, Orientation of New Staff (ONS) has consistently been my favorite event – more than Urbana, more than Global Projects. The vibrancy and passion of incoming staff is so palpable that my calling to the Fellowship is renewed annually.

But this year is extra special. With 136 newcomers, the ONS class of 2013 represents the largest group of new staff ever. In our 72 year history, we have never had a class this large. Over the past four years, an incredible 516 new staff have joined our community.

Surely this is the Lord’s doing. He is blessing ñ and we stand in awe. If, at the human level, we begin to take credit, we will certainly miss His best. We do well to remember Moses’ exhortation: “You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.’ But remember the LORD your God… (Deut. 8:17).” We are very thankful indeed.

Enjoy these photos!

ONS class of 2013

All together at the National Service Center.


With two former college football players,
defensive back Mickey Miela of Stonehill College and
lineman Isaiah Martin of University of Massachusetts
at Lowell. Guess which of the three is pretending
to be something that he's not?
With Kevin and Tara Figgins,
staff at Emory University.
Great kids!
A more serious moment: casting vision. Enjoying a lunch on the town.
With fellow west-coaster Christina Quintanilla,
serving at Fresno State University.
With Ashish Matthew of The City College of New York.
Apart from the Yankees, I love the Big Apple!
With Greek staff Lauren DeLisi
who is planting a chapter at the University of Hartford,
engaging in some kind of Delta Gamma rite.
Christian Holmes of the University of
North Carolina-Asheville sitting at my desk.
Someone always wants my job.


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