
Gordon Govier

Journey to LaFe 10

For 19 Latino students from Chicago the 1,900-mile road trip to the LaFe 10 conference and back deepened their faith in God and in each other. At the triennial national conference sponsored by ñ’s LaFe ministry, three of the students dedicated their lives to Christ for the first time. Others made recommitments. At least two students decided to start Bible studies for other Latino students when they got back to campus.

“To have these students go to LaFe 10 is really encouraging to us,” said Andres Herrera, who is a staff worker in the Chicago area. “It’s a special moment because they are finally seeing that they are not alone.”


The Big Picture



“The students are able to see a much bigger picture,” said Rene Aguirre, the Conference Director, explaining how the conference benefits LaFe as well as LaFe students. “We were interested to see if we could use the conference to help stabilize and pioneer new ministries.”

Students from Chicago, Texas, Florida, and other eastern locations were designed to be among the chief beneficiaries of the location change from California, where LaFe 04 and LaFe 07 were held, and where LaFe has the largest concentration of students. Only two Latino students from Chicago attended LaFe 04 in California, and none were at LaFe 07.

The total of 163 students who attended LaFe 10 was down in number from the 220 who attended LaFe 07. But those who came to LaFe 10 were responsive.



Lives are Changed



The final LaFe 10 tally showed 11 students became believers, 43 recommitted their lives to following Christ, 53 committed themselves to lead or help plant new LaFe chapters. In addition, 86 attendees committed to go on global projects, while 35 were willing to seriously consider ministry full time with ñ.

Each National LaFe Conference has been built on its predecessor, with an additional track added each time for those who are nearing graduation. “We want to help them grow in identity and leadership,” said LaFe Director Orlando Crespo. Graduating seniors at LaFe 10 were offered a track for those who were interested in campus ministry with ñ after graduation.

“It was rewarding to see that Track 07 led by Stacy Rafferty was completely staffed by alumni of previous LaFe Conferences who are now on staff with ñ,” Orlando said. “This has been our hope all along, that these national LaFe Conferences would inspire others to come on staff and strengthen our ministry to Latinos in every part of the country.”



Team Leadership



Orlando praised LaFe Associate Director Rene Aguirre and the LaFe Conference Leadership Team (Natalia Kohn, Stacy Rafferty, Steve Tamayo, Melissa Cordero, and Jennifer Aguirre) who coordinated LaFe 10. “They worked well together as a team and set a high tone of expectation that raised everyone’s hopes for a transformative experience. I had a very real sense of the presence of Holy Spirit throughout the conference. From the beginning, students were open and ready to encounter God and respond to his love in Christ Jesus.”

The first two LaFe Conferences were critical factors in the growth of LaFe and it’s expected the same will hold for LaFe 10. Students who are on a campus without a LaFe chapter often discover the vision for starting a LaFe chapter, or a LaFe Bible study.

“I think something special happens when we gather together as an ethnic-specific ministry,” said Rene. “It allows a student to return to their chapter or area with a sense of encouragement, which is life-giving. We challenge them to think about their friends and other Latino students who need to hear about God, and how their culture is integrated with their faith.”

The LaFe 10 road trip ended in December but the LaFe 10 journey is still playing out on campuses across the country as students follow where God is leading.


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