
Getting the Most out of College

News Release


For Immediate Release



(Madison WI) – More and more students are attending college but they are looking for more than just getting an education.



The number of college students has been on an upward trend for years. The annual reports that undergraduate enrollment increased by 38 percent from 1999 to 2009. passed 20 million for the first time in history in 2009.



reports that 75 percent of college freshmen are “searching for meaning and purpose in life” as they begin their college career.



ñ’s mission on campus is to help students complete their search for meaning and purpose in life through a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The number of students finding new faith in Jesus Christ through the witness of ñ staff and students has increased by 30 percent over the past five years.



“Most of our 866 ñ chapters across the country are engaged in a variety of new student outreach activities at the beginning of the fall semester, in order to meet incoming students,” says ñ president Alec Hill. Activities include social mixers, dorm move-in assistance, and community tours, as well as evangelistic outreaches.  “Their intent is to build authentic friendships, open up conversations about the Lord, and launch small group Bible studies.”



For ñ staff members, students, and alumni, college is about transforming the heart as well as educating the mind. New chapters are being planted on 20 campuses this fall, as part of ñ’s plan to reach more students and faculty with the Good News of the gospel.



ñ is a campus ministry that is observing its 70th year of working with students and faculty on U.S. college and university campuses.  ñ is one of the founding members of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, which has member groups and affiliates in more than 150 countries.



For more information:
Gordon Govier


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