
Calling All Greeks

Students in the Greek system on campuses across America often fall into the stereotypes that we ascribe to typical college students: partying and sex are prevalent among fraternity and sorority students. But God has been transforming the Greek system from the inside out, using organizations like ñ to reach students for himself. Over the past five months ñ hosted three regional Greek conferences – in Indianapolis; Charlotte, NC; and Los Angeles.

Greek Conference in Indiana
Students came away transformed – whether making a decision to follow Jesus for the first time, or recommitting their lives to him. The conference in Indiana, which was held from January 30 – February 1, had especially astounding results. Of the 520 participants in the conference, 84 students accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

At Greek Conference in Indianapolis, Andy Dalton, director of Greek ñ, spoke about the man, who after 38 years of being an invalid, was healed by Jesus in John 5. Using this illustration, Andy called students to “pick up their mats and follow Jesus” just as the invalid had done.

This transformational call resonated with everyone. Non-believers were urged to commit to follow Jesus for the first time. Those who did believe in Christ were urged to follow Jesus in all aspects of their life.

Stories of Transformation
One ñ student, Cam, from the Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) chapter at Purdue University in Indiana, brought 31 of his fraternity brothers with him to the conference. Seven of ATO brothers became Christians that weekend.

One student that Cam invited had an astounding turn-around at the conference. He was known beforehand in his fraternity as epitomizing the partying frat boy; but after coming home from Greek conference he stood up in front of the ñ chapter and said, “I found God this weekend, please help me change my life.” Eleven ATO alumni funded the conference for all 31 students.

A woman, who is a part of the Delta Delta Delta sorority at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, and also the Greek ñ chapter there, came away from the conference with a new outlook about her life and faith. “I have always gone through the motions of faith – going to church and praying – but I had never really formed a strong relationship with God,” she said. “I left the conference a different person inside and out. My relationship with God flourished there.”

The Conferences Combined
God’s transforming power was evident at every Greek conference; combined, 822 Greek students attended the conferences. Each conference offered smaller tracks apart from the large plenary sessions, where students were given a universal call to respond to Jesus.

The tracks concentrated on a specific aspect of the Christian life, whether exploring what it means to be a follower of Christ, to how to start a Greek ñ chapter or a Bible study in their fraternity or sorority. Overall, 130 students made a decision for Christ, and another 468 students pledged to actively share their faith in their fraternity or sorority.

Every year Greek ministry gains momentum; despite the economic slump, alumni have been faithful in donating resources to see their brothers and sisters come to Christ. ñ is grateful to God for his continued presence and blessing on our work with Greek students.

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