Discovering God in the Middle of a Career Nightmare

The more people I talk to, the more it seems like everybody has had at least one summer job they’ll never forget no matter how much they may want to.

Mine was counting worms for a bait shop. (Yours probably doesn’t sound so bad now, right? Ha, ha, ha.)

The Sorrow and Mercy of God

“What is this you have done?”

These words from God to Eve in are always heart-wrenching to me when I read them. I imagine so much anguish in his voice.

Why Faith Needs Curiosity: Summer Reading Series

What if Jesus is actually more interested in our curiosity than our certainty?

The Remedy for Sin

The Bible takes sin seriously. And none of us can save ourselves from sin or acquit ourselves of guilt. But thanks be to God, Jesus Christ gave us a remedy for our sin and a way to experience the progressive healing of our corrupt human nature.

Selfless or Self-Centered? What Kind of Servant Are You?

How do we know if we are serving for our own benefit or truly serving as Jesus commanded?

7 Tips for Interviewing Well

“How long have you been working here?” I tried to make small talk with the technician.

“Almost 20 years, ever since this place opened,” responded the man.

“Wow, that’s quite a while,” I commented. “Do you enjoy your job?”

There was a slight pause. He turned and sighed. “Not anymore, but it’s what I know.”

Why We Don’t Need to Fear the Paradoxes of Our Faith: Summer Reading Series

“If we never experience conflict in our relationship with God, the chances are we have replaced the real God with a substitute god made in our image.”

Have you ever felt guilty, foolish, or ashamed because you had doubts and questions about God? Have you ever been afraid to ask those questions because you didn’t want your friends—who you’re positive are all put-together, with-it Bible experts—to know that you didn’t have the answers?

Racial Reconciliation Is Not a Cause

I had just walked into Chipotle when one of my Asian American colleagues pulled me aside.

Two Truths and a Lie About Your Body

We unintentionally believe a lot of lies about our bodies. The lies fall to both extremes: on the one hand, that the human body is an object of worship, and on the other, that it’s a pointless vessel.

Do These First: 3 Things Every Grad Should Prioritize After College

You have your diploma in hand. You’ve packed up your college apartment. You’ve said goodbye (for now) to some of your closest friends. Maybe you’ve even squeezed in a fun road trip or jaunt across Europe.

Now what?

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