

Making Sense of Christianity’s Branches: Meet a Non-Denominationalist

Although non-denom churches can be difficult to explain and define, I find them easy to justify. Non-denominational churches exist because God’s people are diverse and his passions include the entire earth. Some of us just don’t fit into a denominational box. 

Making Sense of Christianity’s Branches: Meet an Anglican

Anglicans have learned to see the churning conflict of each generation as an opportunity for worship, witness, and welcome. Sometimes articulated as via media or “the middle way,” Anglicans blur the lines between Protestant and Catholic, Reformed and Anabaptist, liberal and evangelical. This is our church’s greatest strength as well as its most profound weakness.

Making Sense of Christianity’s Branches: Meet a Lutheran

In terms of denominational origin stories, it’s hard to get more dramatic than Lutheranism.

Making Sense of Christianity’s Branches: Meet a Catholic

For those unfamiliar with Catholicism and its beliefs, it may seem complicated, antiquated, and full of ritual. But, having been raised in the Catholic Church, I recognize the ways I have been formed by its teachings and its history, and see ways that it has much to offer the broader Church.

Making Sense of Christianity’s Branches: Meet a Presbyterian

Presbyterians aren’t usually seen as being the life of the party. But I am grateful for the ways the gospel is preached, in all its nuance and life-giving truth, at my Presbyterian church in Jackson, Mississippi. 

Making Sense of Christianity’s Branches: Meet a Baptist

I knew from an early age that Baptists were passionate and caring people.

Making Sense of Christianity’s Branches

Aren’t you a little curious what similarities and passions you might share with your neighbors in the faith? Crack open the door of your tradition and peek behind some of the others by reading first-person reflections from a selection of denominations and traditions.

Help! My Church Doesn’t Look Anything Like My Chapter Did. Is That Normal?

Having trouble finding a church that feels like your ñ chapter? You’re not alone. But here’s some help.

Is Social Media Helping or Hurting Your Relationships?

We need constant reflection about social media engagement. 

How Do I Choose Who to Stay in Touch with After College?

Whether you move back into your parents’ house or move across the country for grad school, your friendships will look very different after college.

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