
4 Ways to Pray for the Campus

David Wells, in his essay for the Perspectives Reader, “Prayer: Rebelling Against the Status Quo,” claims that our prayers are limp not because we don’t know how to pray, but that we don’t understand the true nature of prayer. If we find ourselves saying, “Oh, that’s just the way it is,” our prayers lack the power of how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. 

Instead, Wells exhorts, “Prayer only flourishes where there is a twofold belief: first, that God’s name is hallowed too irregularly, his kingdom has come too little, and his will is done too infrequently; and second, that God himself can change this situation.”


So let’s get down to the business of prayer! Today is the national , and here are some ways we can rebel against the status quo:

  • Consider the ways in which God’s name is too irregularly hallowed, his kingdom come too little, and his will done too infrequently on the college campus nearest to you geographically or nearest to your heart. Pray that this would turn around.
  • In the last 18 months, ñ’s status as a recognized campus organization has been challenged on 41 campuses.  Pray that God would change the hearts of university authorities and permit a vital Christian witness on these campuses.
  • Only 20% of high school students who grow up in churches will still be actively involved in the Christian faith at age 30. Pray that college students would respond to God’s invitation, get involved in a Christian fellowship, grow in their faith, and become vital members of the local church. Pray that by God’s power and campus outreach, this statistic will diminish.
  • Half of all professors believe the Bible is a book of fables. One-quarter of all professors consider themselves atheists or agnostic. Pray that God in his power, working through ministries such as ñ’s , will change this statistic. Pray that God’s name will be hallowed by these men and women. (Think of the turn around in Saul’s life - Acts 9.)

Lord God, Creator of the Universe, we bring before you today the 17 million students studying on college campuses: enlighten their minds with your truth, soften their hearts by your grace, and equip their hands to work for your purposes in the world. For those who believe—draw them more deeply in, commission them to your service. For those who are yet to believe—awaken them to the things of your kingdom, bring them to yourself. Finally, Lord, we ask that you will grow the 559 ñ chapters scattered throughout the country, making them vibrant witnessing communities and that new chapters will be planted on campuses where there is currently no organized witness. Amen.

Carolyn Carney is the Assistant Regional Director for the New York / New Jersey region in ñ.

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