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He was 66 years old.</p> <p>Steve became president of ñ Christian Fellowship in 1988, near the end of a turbulent decade in which ñ had five presidents. “Steve brought pastoral care, healing and hope to a community that had undergone much trauma,” said <strong>Alec Hill</strong>, Steve’s successor and ñ’s current president.</p> <p>Both Steve and Alec came to ñ from Seattle Pacific University — Steve had been&nbsp; Vice President of Student Affairs and Alec had been Dean of the School of Business and Economics. They had been friends, attended the same church, and even co-led small groups of students together. (Photo above, Steve Hayner and Alec Hill in 2001)</p> <p>“When Steve was thinking of leaving ñ, he contacted me regarding my possible interest in succeeding him,” Alec recalled. “Once I became president, he fully supported my leadership. When I ran into bumpy situations, I would often call him for advice. Once—at my request—he stepped into an old situation that needing addressing. He didn’t have to do that. Steve is one of the kindest and most authentic people I’ve ever known.”</p> <p><strong>Barney Ford</strong>, former executive vice president, was Steve’s closest associate on staff and remembers well that ñ was in need of a firm but gentle leader when Steve arrived.</p> <p>“He chose to say yes to a ministry that in the preceding seven years had experienced great difficulty and was not in good shape,” Barney said. “Steve brought great gifts to ñ through his pastor’s heart, intellectual brilliance, love of students and the university and servant leadership. Some of those gifts included personal and relational healing for a great many staff, steady high-quality leadership that created greater trust and focus for the ministry, and a strong and healthy board of trustees.”</p> <p>Barney said that ñ’s Urbana Student Missions Conferences, ñ Press, national training facilities, and campus ministries were all strengthened under Steve’s leadership. “When Steve elected to bring his ministry with ñ to a close in 2001 it was as one of the most loved and respected leaders in the organization’s sixty year history,” he said.</p> <p><strong>Jim Lundgren</strong>, ñ’s current senior vice president, remembers a president who worked tirelessly to listen to staff frustrations, and address their concerns.</p> <p>“He was quick to apologize and slow to attack,” Jim said. “His love for God came through in the way he taught the Scriptures and in the way he walked what he taught. When he left we were poised for a season of growth and advancement in our work with students and faculty. He united us around our purpose and mission to the campus, and all the growth we have experienced in the last decade stands on Steve’s shoulders.”</p> <p><strong>Judy Johnson</strong> was conference director for the staff conference that drafted <a href="">ñ’s Purpose Statement</a>. “The part Steve stressed, and that would not have been there without him, was the preamble: ‘In response to God’s love, grace, and truth.’ That is how Steve saw his life” she said. “He was strong in teaching us that our purpose isn’t about what we bring and own but what we do because God has initiated with us and poured out his love, grace, and truth into our lives and our movement.&nbsp; It was important to him that we deeply believe that and minister out of that posture.”</p> <p><strong>Bob Fryling</strong>, the publisher of ñ Press, remembers Steve as not just a president but as a pastor, teacher, and friend who provided rich biblical counsel, theological depth, and relational integrity. “Steve was never as interested in the trappings of leadership as he was in encouraging and supporting others in their leadership development,” Bob said. “He was a mentor and friend to so many throughout ñ. I particularly enjoyed talking with him about books and ideas and Scripture and how they all related to both our personal lives and the work of God through us and others. Steve had a wonderfully bright and generous spirit and I am tremendously grateful for his part in my life."</p> <p>Long time ñ staff member <strong>Jeanette Yep</strong> was part of a three member staff committee that interviewed Steve and his wife Sharol when Steve was applying for the president’s job. They had pages of questions which they had gathered from staff from around the country. “Steve answered each question, thoughtfully and truthfully, letting us know when he wasn’t sure and answering with conviction if he was,” she said. “As Steve got to know people, he had an uncanny ability to see our strengths and our potential. He would speak into our lives with pastoral clarity and kind authority.”</p> <p>Jeanette recalled that one of Steve’s great gifts was his ability to keep diverse people working together in unity. “He was good at defining the edges and then working hard to have people listen respectfully to one another’s perspectives,” she said. “We were held together by ñ’s doctrinal statement and a deep and abiding commitment to see students won to Christ in the university. Steve provided leadership that allowed the staff and students of ñ to become increasingly multiethnic and thus more accurately reflect the ethnic diversity of the university world.”</p> <p>“Finally,” she said, “Steve had a gift to make those he met feel special. This was an intangible ‘soft’ leadership skill, but what a gift to a movement filled with younger, often insecure and hurting staff members and students. He helped us embrace our brokenness, trusting God our great healer to restore and redeem us so we would look more like Christ.”</p> <p><strong>Karen Mains</strong> was invited by Steve to become the first woman chairperson of ñ's board of trustees. It was, she recalled, the last thing on earth she wanted to do. But it became one of the better acts of obedience she exercised in her whole life.</p> <p>"Some of the reason for that is the journey that Steve and I took hacking out what it looked like for the president of a well-known evangelical organization and a woman chair to work together to create a model infrequently (or never) employed that displayed the holy dynamic of how men and women of equal strengths could show forth the full nature of God.</p> <p>"Meeting face-to-face once a month in addition to a weekly phone call gave us (man and woman) enough time to take a measure of one another’s character, disposition, response to stress and crisis, godliness in word and practice, vulnerability and authenticity. For those who have never had the opportunity to establish a similar cross-gender working relationship such as this, they have also missed the rare and beautiful opportunity to step into a trusting and mutually affirming spiritual friendship.</p> <p>"Others will more aptly tell the extraordinary qualities of this rare man, but I can affirm that Steve’s exercise of holiness in inviting me, an evangelical woman (who couldn’t read a financial statement) to walk beside Inter Varsity leadership was unparalleled in my life, healing to me on the deepest of levels. I am still filled with joyful laughter as I think back upon it."</p> <p>_________________________________</p> <p>As a student, Steve was president of the ñ Christian Fellowship chapter at Whitman College (Washington) and was invited to join ñ staff when he graduated. Instead he opted for graduate school at Harvard and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, but he was never far from ñ and student ministry. He joined the staff of University Presbyterian Church in Seattle, working in student ministry and leading groups of students to ñ’s Urbana Student Missions Conferences. Later he served as vice president for student affairs at Seattle Pacific University, the position he held when he was recruited to become ñ’s president.</p> <p>His commitment to the whole campus as a mission field was reflected in his statement, “The university is not just a fishing pond to take fish out; ñ is concerned about the nutrients and the pollutants in the pond as well.”</p> <p>After leaving ñ, Steve remained in Madison for several more years, as senior associate pastor at High Point Church and as associate pastor at Fountain of Life Covenant Church. <strong>Alex Gee</strong>, the pastor of Fountain of Life, was a member of ñ’s board of trustees, and Steve the founding board chairman of the Nehemiah Corporation, a social service agency started by Fountain of Life church.</p> <p>“I learned SO much from him about my strengths, my gifts, servant leadership, and trust,” Alex said. “He helped me to create an in-house urban leadership training program for developing our folks. Steve’s brilliance is only eclipsed by his humility! I’m a better man because of my accountability to Steve and his love for me.”</p> <p>After a short transition in these pastoral roles, Steve moved to Atlanta where, in 2003, he became the &nbsp;Peachtree Professor of Evangelism and Church Growth at Columbia Theological Seminary. In 2009 he became president of the seminary.</p> <p><img alt="Steve Hayner - 1988" src="/sites/default/files/news/stevehayner1988b.jpg" style="float:right; height:392px; margin:7px; width:300px">In a 1988 article introducing Steve to the ñ community, he said, “I tell God I don’t care if I’m ever great. But if I have the privilege of touching people who can be, I’ll be a happy man.” Steve touched a great many people and the outpouring of affection for him since his battle with cancer became known has been effusive, on the <a href="">“Thanks to you, Steve” web page</a>, on Facebook, on<a href="" target="_blank"> Caring Bridge</a>, in magazines such as <a href="">The Presbyterian Outlook</a>, <a href="">The Christian Century</a>, <a href="">Commentary</a>, <a href="">Leadership Journal</a>, and elsewhere. Christianity Today published <a href="" target="_blank">an interview with Steve from last fall</a> by Fuller Seminary president Mark Labberton. Steve was also remembered for his volunteer work with other ministries, such as <a href="" target="_blank">World Vision</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">International Justice Mission</a>.</p> <p>If you would like to donate to ñ's Steve Hayner Memorial Fund,<a href="" target="_blank"> you can do so here</a>.</p> <p>A service celebrating Steve's life will be held at Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Atlanta <span>on February 23, 2015. </span>More on Steve’s life, the impact of his ministry, and funeral arrangements, at <a href="">the Columbia Seminary web page</a>.</p> <p>We rejoice in all that God has done through the life and ministry of his servant, Steve Hayner. We are sad because we miss him, and we rejoice in God’s promise of eternal life.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="_none block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenewsfield-news-keywords"> <div class="content"> <div class="field field--name-field-news-keywords field--type-entity-reference field--label-above"> <div class="field__label">News Keywords</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/1066" hreflang="en">Seattle Pacific University</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/1022" hreflang="en">President</a></div> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/791" hreflang="en">Columbia Theological Seminary</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Sat, 31 Jan 2015 21:12:57 +0000 8848 at Distinguished Alumni Award /news/distinguished-alumni-award <div class="layout layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--33-67"> <div class="layout__region layout__region--first"> <nav role="navigation" aria-labelledby="-menu" class="_none block block-menu navigation menu--about-us-menu"> <h2 class="visually-hidden" id="-menu">About Us Menu</h2> <ul class="clearfix nav"> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/about-us/what-we-believe" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-what-we-believe" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/9386">What We Believe</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/about-us/our-purpose" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-our-purpose" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/6927">Our Purpose</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/about-us/financial-info" title="Financial Info" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-financial-info" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/6926">Financial Info</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/about-us/2022-2023-annual-report" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-2022-2023-annual-report" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/4976">2022-2023 Annual Report</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/about-us/leadership" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-leadership" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/6928">Leadership</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/about-us/intervarsity-and-ifes-history" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-intervarsity-and-ifes-history" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/6925">ñ and IFES History</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/about-us/news" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-news" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/6929">News</a> </li> <li class="nav-item menu-item--collapsed"> <a href="/about-us/press-room" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-press-room" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/6931">Press Room</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/contact" class="nav-link nav-link--contact" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/9383">Contact Us</a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--second"> <div class="_none block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenewsfield-news-type"> <div class="content"> <div class="field field--name-field-news-type field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/2104" hreflang="en">News</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="_none block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenewstitle"> <div class="content"> <span class="field field--name-title field--type-string field--label-hidden"><h1>Distinguished Alumni Award</h1></span> </div> </div> <div class="_none block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenewsfield-square-image"> <div class="content"> <div class="field field--name-field-square-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/300x169/public/news/alecnmary300.jpg?itok=wfTyAp7c" width="298" height="169" alt loading="lazy" class="image-style-_00x169"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="_none block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenewsbody"> <div class="content"> <div class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>ñ president Alec Hill and his wife Mary have been honored with the 2014 Distinguished Alumni Award from Young Life, an organization with a rich history of ministry to high school and middle school students. <a href="">The award is given annually.</a></p> <p>Alec was a volunteer leader for Young Life at a Seattle’s Chief Sealth High School for three years, while attending Seattle Pacific University. He later wrote, “Those years changed the trajectory of my life.”</p> <p>Mary was active in Young Life as a student at Ingraham High School in Seattle. It was during that time that she became a follower of Jesus Christ.</p> <p>This is the second alumni honor for Alec. In 2012 he was named <a href="">Alumnus of the Year</a> by Seattle Pacific University.</p> <p>The alumni honors epitomize the commitment that Alec and Mary have to campus ministry and the transforming impact that campus ministry can have on the lives of students.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="_none block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenewsfield-news-keywords"> <div class="content"> <div class="field field--name-field-news-keywords field--type-entity-reference field--label-above"> <div class="field__label">News Keywords</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/1066" hreflang="en">Seattle Pacific University</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Mon, 28 Apr 2014 19:14:00 +0000 8782 at Alumnus of the Year /news/alumnus-year <div class="layout layout--twocol-section layout--twocol-section--33-67"> <div class="layout__region layout__region--first"> <nav role="navigation" aria-labelledby="-menu" class="_none block block-menu navigation menu--about-us-menu"> <h2 class="visually-hidden" id="-menu">About Us Menu</h2> <ul class="clearfix nav"> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/about-us/what-we-believe" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-what-we-believe" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/9386">What We Believe</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/about-us/our-purpose" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-our-purpose" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/6927">Our Purpose</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/about-us/financial-info" title="Financial Info" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-financial-info" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/6926">Financial Info</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/about-us/2022-2023-annual-report" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-2022-2023-annual-report" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/4976">2022-2023 Annual Report</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/about-us/leadership" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-leadership" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/6928">Leadership</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/about-us/intervarsity-and-ifes-history" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-intervarsity-and-ifes-history" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/6925">ñ and IFES History</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/about-us/news" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-news" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/6929">News</a> </li> <li class="nav-item menu-item--collapsed"> <a href="/about-us/press-room" class="nav-link nav-link--about-us-press-room" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/6931">Press Room</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a href="/contact" class="nav-link nav-link--contact" data-drupal-link-system-path="node/9383">Contact Us</a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> <div class="layout__region layout__region--second"> <div class="_none block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenewsfield-news-type"> <div class="content"> <div class="field field--name-field-news-type field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/2104" hreflang="en">News</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="_none block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenewstitle"> <div class="content"> <span class="field field--name-title field--type-string field--label-hidden"><h1>Alumnus of the Year</h1></span> </div> </div> <div class="_none block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenewsfield-square-image"> <div class="content"> <div class="field field--name-field-square-image field--type-image field--label-hidden field__item"> <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/300x169/public/news/alec_reflections_0.jpg?itok=Oo6cxP7J" width="300" height="169" alt loading="lazy" class="image-style-_00x169"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="_none block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenewsbody"> <div class="content"> <div class="clearfix text-formatted field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>Due to his strong ties to Seattle Pacific University (<span class="caps">SPU</span>), being named <a href="">2012 Alumnus of the Year</a> is a great honor for Alec Hill. He will be celebrated during <a href="">Homecoming Weekend, January 26-28.</a></p> <p>Alec graduated in 1975. Ten years later he returned to <span class="caps">SPU</span> to teach in the Business School. After another ten years, he became Dean of the Business School and served for six years (before becoming ñ’s president). He was also voted Professor of the Year in 1988. As such, he may be the only <span class="caps">SPU</span> graduate to have achieved both professor and alumni honors.</p> <p><strong>Strong Connections</strong></p> <p>Despite having served as ñ’s president for more than ten years, Alec’s connections to <span class="caps">SPU</span> are still strong. “I go back all the time, at least once a year or twice a year,” he said. “Mary, our daughters and I lived just two blocks from campus. It was also my neighborhood, it was my home.”</p> <p>He counts former president David McKenna (1968-1982) and current president Philip Eaton as mentors, having conferred with them on multiple occasions about leadership issues. When he returns to campus Alec notes that some of the faculty he hired as Dean are moving into leadership positions and that one of his former students now serves on the <span class="caps">SPU</span> Board of Trustees. “There’s a lot of gratification there,” he said.</p> <p>Alec’s connections with his former students are strong. A number of them have tracked him down on Facebook. (So not all of his 1,124 Facebook friends are ñ staff members!)</p> <p><strong>Hill Family Legacy</strong></p> <p>Alec’s grandparents migrated from Minnesota to Seattle in 1902, just a decade after the school began. His grandfather served as the school’s attorney-of-record, and a dormitory — Hill Hall — is named after his grandparents. Hillford House, the residence of <span class="caps">SPU</span>’s presidents, sits on land donated by Alec’s uncle, Cyril Hill.</p> <p>Both of Alec’s brothers attended <span class="caps">SPU</span>, and his wife Mary also earned an <span class="caps">MBA</span> from <span class="caps">SPU</span>. “It’s played a pretty big role in our family,” he said.</p> <p><strong><span class="caps">SPU</span>’s Influence</strong></p> <p>Alec names many ways that his <span class="caps">SPU</span> education and experience have helped him in his role as president of ñ. <span class="caps">SPU</span> was founded as a Free Methodist seminary and still requires faculty to have a Christian commitment, but it welcomes students of all faiths. “I liked the fact that it had such a wide variety of students,” he said.</p> <p>As a professor and dean, Alec was able to improve his understanding of the academy. “Faculty culture is so unique,” he said. “I certainly grew to understand the mind of the faculty when I was dean.”</p> <p>During Homecoming Week, Alec will have the opportunity to speak in the <span class="caps">SPU</span> chapel service, share a luncheon with family and friends, and be honored with introductions during the halftime of an <span class="caps">SPU</span> basketball game, as well as at the annual <span class="caps">SPU</span> talent show. He’ll also speak to a group of Business School alumni.</p> <p><strong>Grateful Appreciation</strong></p> <p><span class="caps">SPU</span> President Philip Eaton was pleased that Alec was given the alumni award. “While Alec was at Seattle Pacific, he had a tremendous impact on so many students, faculty colleagues, and the broader Seattle business community,” he told the <span class="caps">SPU</span>’s <em>Response</em> magazine. <a href="">The article notes</a> that while he was serving as Dean, Alec led the Business School to achieve <a href="">international accreditation.</a></p> <p>ñ doesn’t have a chapter at <span class="caps">SPU</span>, although there was a chapter there about 30 years ago. Nonetheless, <span class="caps">SPU</span> has played a major role in the history of ñ, having sent us Alec, as well as our previous president Steve Hayner.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="_none block block-layout-builder block-field-blocknodenewsfield-news-keywords"> <div class="content"> <div class="field field--name-field-news-keywords field--type-entity-reference field--label-above"> <div class="field__label">News Keywords</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/1066" hreflang="en">Seattle Pacific University</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Thu, 12 Jan 2012 20:09:43 +0000 8580 at