
Amy Hauptman

Amy Hauptman

Amy Hauptman worked for ñ for a number of years, first as a campus staff member at the University of CaliforniaDavis, the University of Nevada–Reno, and Truckee Meadows Community College, and then as a writer on the communications team, based in Madison, Wisconsin. She now lives and works back in the warmth of her native state, California. The three driving forces in her life, besides her love for coffee, are to see, learn, and enjoy as much as possible. She also blogs at .

Content created by this author:

Amy Hauptman

Communication from God

The temple gate was called “Beautiful.” He was called “beggar.”

Amy Hauptman

Why We Don’t Have to Fear Repentance

I really, really did not like the word repentance.

Amy Hauptman

The Hard Work of Forgiveness

As I write this, I am actually fighting against God’s invitation to forgive.

Amy Hauptman

The Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony

You know that feeling people get when they’re about to get on a roller coaster ride or enter Disneyland? That’s how I’ve felt about eating for as long as I can remember.

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